UN Global Census on Cooperatives Unveiled

​The first Global Census on Cooperatives commissioned by the United Nations and conducted by DGA shows the size and impact of the international cooperative system. See full results here.

Financial Inclusion Policy

Financial Sector Regulation & Supervision

DGA conducts first analysis of Myanmar's microfinance sector following the coup.

We are an international team of consultants with a common purpose of improving people's lives through responsible financial services.

Filene Research Institute Issues DGA Report on Micro-lending

The report provides a detailed look at the lessons from international micro-lending and how U.S. credit unions can benefit.  View infographic.

DGA Clients Give Highest Possible Satisfaction Rating in Independent Survey


Our expertise in regulation and supervision includes work in over 80 countries where we assess supervisory workflow and advise on legal/regulatory changes for financial cooperatives, MFIs and banks. We work with the World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank and International Credit Union Regulators' Network to help design and implement systems and train supervisors of some of the fastest growing institutions. We currently serve as the secretariat for the International Credit Union Regulators’ Network. LEARN MORE   

International Credit Union Regulators' Network
Daily Nation of Kenya highlights work on Central Liquidity Facility

Our work with financial cooperatives and MFIs inludes assessing microlending markets, design deposit insurance and central liquidity funds, improving the scale and efficiency of operations, implement Basel III capital rules, consumer protection and financial capability. Working with industry and policy makers we help translate a policy framework into practical solutions for safe financial institutions. LEARN MORE


Supervisory Principles for Responding to COVID-19 published on World Bank blog

Dave discusses credit unions with UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown 

Bank of Uganda launches National Financial Inclusion Strategy written by DGA. 

We are honored to have led the development of national financial inclusion strategies in Egypt, Uganda, Paraguay, Eswatini, Sao Tome and Azerbaijan with the ultimate goal of reducing the financial vulnerability of marginalized populations including women.  In 2018 we helped the City of Madison, Wisconsin design a youth savings account program for low-income children and their families. LEARN MORE

Global Regulators again select DGA to provide Secretariat services for ICURN.

Development of Financial Cooperatives and MFIs